
Entdeckung der Zelltransformationen in der Haut markiert beginn einer neuen Ära in der Dermatologie und Ästhetischen Medizin


Keywords | Summary | Correspondence | Literature


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Recently discovered recurrent de- and re-differentiations of mature dermal adipocytes located at the dermis-subcutis interface as well as trans-differentiation of these cells in myofibroblasts will have serious consequences for dermatology and aesthetic medicine. These processes are strongly dependent on the phase of the hair follicle cycle and should be at least involved in acne, psoriasis, wound healing, fibrosis / scarring, androgenetic alopecia, and skin aging.


Neueste Entdeckung der wiederkehrenden De- und Redifferenzierungen der reifen dermalen Adipozyten an der Grenze Dermis-Subkutis sowie ihrer Transdifferenzierung in Myofibroblasten wird gravierende Konsequenzen für die Dermatologie und ästhetische Medizin haben. Diese Prozesse sind stark von der Phase des Haarfollikel-Zyklus abhängig und müssen in die Akne, Psoriasis, Wundheilung, Fibrosierung / Narbenbildung, androgenetische Alopezie und Hautalterung involviert werden.

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Dr. rer. nat. habil. Ilja L. Kruglikov
Wellcomet GmbH
Greschbachstraße 2-4
DE-76229 Karlsruhe

Conflict of Interests

Dr. I. Kruglikov ist der geschäftsführende Gesellschafter der Firma Wellcomet GmbH. Wellcomet GmbH hat die Vorbereitung von diesem Artikel nicht beeinflusst.


1. Kruglikov IL (2016) Dermale Adipozyten in Dermatologie und Ästhetischer Medizin: Fakten und Hypothesen. Kosmet Med 37(2): 52-59.
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3. Wang QA, Song A, Chen W, Schwalie PC, Zhang F, Vishvanath L, Jiang L, Ye R, Shao M, Tao C, Gupta RK, Deplancke B, Scherer PE (2018) Reversible de-differentiation of mature white adipocytes into preadipocyte-like precursors during lactation. Cell Metab 28: 282-288.
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7. Kruglikov IL, Scherer PE (2016) Dermal adipocytes and hair cycling: is spatial heterogeneity a characteristic feature of the dermal adipose tissue depot? Exp Dermatol 25(4): 258-262.
8. Kruglikov IL, Scherer PE, Wollina U (2016) Are dermal adipocytes involved in psoriasis? Exp Dermatol 25(10): 812-813.
9. Kruglikov IL, Wollina U (2017) Local effects of adipose tissue in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Psoriasis (Auckland, NZ) 7: 17-25.
10. Kruglikov IL, Wollina U (2018) The role of subcutaneous adipose tissue in psoriasis. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents 32(1): 159-161.
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12. Kruglikov IL, Zhang Z, Scherer PE (2019) Caveolin in skin aging. From innocent bystander to major contributor. Ageing Res Rev 55: 100959.
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14. Kruglikov IL, Scherer PE (2016) Skin aging: are adipocytes the next target? Aging (Albany NY) 8: 1457-1469.
15. Liggins MC, Li F, Zhang LJ, Dokoshi T, Gallo RL (2019) Retinoids enhance the expression of cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide during reactive dermal adipogenesis. J Immunol 203: 1589-1597.
16. Kruglikov IL, Scherer PE (2019) Caveolin-1 as a pathophysiological factor and target in psoriasis. npj Aging Mech Dis 5(1): 4.
17. Kruglikov IL, Scherer PE (2019) Caveolin-1 as a target in prevention and treatment of hypertrophic scarring. npj Regen Med 4(1): 9.
18. Kruglikov IL, Scherer PE (2019) Caveolin‐1 as a possible target in treatment for acne. Exp Dermatol 29(2): 177-183.
19. Kruglikov IL, Scherer PE (2020) Caveolin as a universal target in dermatology. Int J Mol Sci 21(1): 80.
20. Kruglikov IL, Scherer PE (2018) Skin aging as a mechanical phenomenon: The main weak links. Nutr Healthy Aging 4(4): 291-307.
21. Kruglikov IL (2018) Hautalterung als mechanisches Phänomen: Was sind die wichtigsten Schwachstellen der Haut bei ihrer Alterung? Kosmet Med 39(3): 24-30.
22. Kruglikov IL (2015) Sehr hochfrequenter Ultraschall. Der Hautarzt. 66(11): 829-833.
23. Kruglikov IL (2018) Sehr hochfrequenter Ultraschall in der ästhetischen Medizin und Chirurgie. Ästhet Dermatol Kosmet 11(2): 27-31.
24. Kruglikov IL (2016) Influence of the dermis thickness on the results of the skin treatment with monopolar and bipolar radiofrequency currents. BioMed Res Int 2016: 1953203.
25. Kruglikov IL (2016) Radiofrequente Ströme in der ästhetischen Medizin: Status nascendi / Status quo. Kosmet Med 37(3): 94-103.



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