Microinjection technique for Botulinumtoxin A


Dr. med. Rudolf M. Dick

Datum Zeit Ort
Freitag, 21.02.2014 16:15 – 16:20 Plenum

The paper refers to the outcome of a study of (217 patients) after the use of a microinjection pen for rectification of facial wrinkles instead of using conventional syringes. The clinical trial establishes the efficacy of using BoPen® for the application of Botulinumtoxin A for patients seeking facial rejuvenation by reducing crease severity in one area with an average dose of 10 Botox units.


Over a 6 months period 217 patients were examined by a self-assessment questionnaire after treatment of the glabella, forehead wrinkles, lateral eye creases and others. They were followed up by an examination of between 2-4 weeks after treatment.


99 % of repetitive Botulinum users reported significantly less pain after the use of a microinjection pen. 82 % of first time users reported “almost no pain”. Overall, 90 % were very satisfied with the result after 2-4 weeks. The re-examination showed 3 patients with asymmetry, 6 with insufficient paralytic effect and 3 with insufficient skin smoothing effect (together 5.5 %). All were corrected during the re-examination session. 2 patients suffered from hematomas (<1 cm), none from other complications.


With BoPen® physicians reported easy handling, excellent clinical results, high dose exactness, better material efficiency (-30 %), cost-effectiveness and higher safety in the use of Botulinumtoxin A. 99 % of the patients felt significantly less pain with the use of the microinjection technique.


Microinjection technique (BoPen®) is an alternative way to administer Botulinumtoxin A for cosmetic proposes. It is safe, almost painless, easy to use and cost effective with the potential to become “state of the art”.


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